Win Big. Save Lives.
Winner's Estimated Take Home Prize
Total Jackpot, Winner Takes Half.
Early Bird Deadline Grand Prize Deadline [[ salesEndDateTimeFormat ]]
[[ prepend0(previousTimeData[structure]) ]]
[[ prepend0(previousTimeData[structure]) ]]
[[ prepend0(timeData[structure]) ]]
[[ prepend0(timeData[structure]) ]]
[[ getCountdownLabelName(structure) ]]
[[ formatPrizeType(earlyBird).toUpperCase() ]]
[[ earlyBird.title ]]
Deadline: [[ formatDeadlineDate(earlyBird.deadline) ]]
[[ earlyBird.description ]]
Purchase Your Tickets Now!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 50/50 draw.
Our next one is coming soon so stay tuned!
How It Works
Who You Help
We all want the best possible care for our family, friends and loved ones. When you support the GBGH 50/50, you are helping to empower our Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) to deliver exceptional health care.
The government does not fund equipment for hospitals, and that’s why the support of our communities is critical. You are ensuring that exceptional care can be provided in our local community for generations to come.